Monday, August 25, 2008

individual stocks.

Objective 52.0813-0404
Explain loads as it applies to mutual funds including: front-end, back-end, back-end declining, and no-load.

Objective 52.0813-0405
Explain what is meant by a Family of Funds, and the advantages and disadvantages of investing via one family.

Objective 52.0813-0406
Describe the role of the Management Fee in determining the profitability of Mutual Fund companies.

Objective 52.0813-0407
Explain the concept of Dollar-Cost-Averaging and it's use to minimize risk.
Objective 52.0813-0301
Describe the role and function of a financial advisor in assisting customers with investments, estate planning, insurance, taxes, etc.

Objective 52.0813-0302
Discuss various measurements of valuing of a public company including: price earnings (PE) ratio, dividends, earnings per share, etc.

Objective 52.0813-0303
Describe what a common or preferred stock certificate represents and the effects of a stock split.

Objective 52.0813-0304
Define buying on the margin and explain the effect it has upon investors who choose to use it.

Objective 52.0813-0305
Define short selling and explain the effect it has upon investors who implement it.
Objective 52.0813-0301
Describe the role and function of a financial advisor in assisting customers with investments, estate planning, insurance, taxes, etc.

Objective 52.0813-0302
Discuss various measurements of valuing of a public company including: price earnings (PE) ratio, dividends, earnings per share, etc.

Objective 52.0813-0303
Describe what a common or preferred stock certificate represents and the effects of a stock split.

Objective 52.0813-0304
Define buying on the margin and explain the effect it has upon investors who choose to use it.

Objective 52.0813-0305
Define short selling and explain the effect it has upon investors who implement it.
bjective 52.0813-0209
Identify the difference between a bull and a bear market.

Objective 52.0813-0210
Discuss the changes brought to the securities industry due to the rise in popularity and use of the Internet.

Objective 52.0813-0211
Identify career opportunities in the securities industry.

Standard 52.0813-03
The student will understand Investing as it relates to valuing and selecting stocks.

Objective 52.0813-0204
Explain the importance and role of various stock market tracking devices such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), Standard and Poors 500 (S&P 500), etc.

Objective 52.0813-0205
Explain the history of the ticker tape and the role it plays in today's securities markets.

Objective 52.0813-0206
Identify the difference between full service and discount brokers, and describe the advantages and disadvantages of using one or the other.

Objective 52.0813-0207
Define insider trading and explain the consequences for violators.

Objective 52.0813-0208
Describe the process of executing a stock transaction including the role of the broker, trader, and specialist.
Objective 52.0813-0105
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of organizing a company as a corporation.

Objective 52.0813-0106
Define inflation, deflation, recession, and their impact on the economy.

Standard 52.0813-02
The student will understand the structure of the Securities Markets.

Objective 52.0813-0101
Identify the various interest rates within the economy including: prime, discount, and fed. funds.

Objective 52.0813-0102
Explain the concept of compound interest and the importance of time in accumulating wealth.

Objective 52.0813-0103
Explain the risk/reward rule and identify potential exceptions and consequences as a result of understanding the rule.

Objective 52.0813-0104
Discuss the time value of money and describe why $1 today is worth more than $1 at some point in the future.

banking and insurance

Course Description
Students will gain an understanding of the banking and financial industries. The course will include an understanding of economics as the underlying basis of the transfer and growth of money in our system. Students will gain an understanding of the securities, banking, and insurance industries. This will include information that will not only help them to be a better consumer, but to gain skills and knowledge to begin pursuit of careers in the various fields